SIP Communicator is an audio/video Internet phone and instant messenger that supports some of the most popular instant messaging and telephony protocols such as SIP, Jabber, AIM/ICQ, MSN, Yahoo! Messenger, Bonjour, IRC, RSS and counting.
SIP Communicator 1.0-alpha2 release
Microsoft Windows installer - sip-communicator-1.0-alpha2.exe
Debian Package - sip-communicator_1.0-alpha2_i386.deb (or our debian repository)
Fedora RPM package - sip-communicator-1.0-alpha2.i386.rpm
Generic Linux Installer - sip-communicator-1.0-alpha2-linux.bin
Mac OS X package - SIP Communicator-1.0-alpha2.dmg
Generic installer for all OSs - sip-communicator-1.0-alpha2.jar
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