Nimbuzz was having a nice bot from the very begining of it's journey -Helpbot. That bot was quite interesting. Later Nimbuzz official changed their mind and killed it. Then a New bot came named Jimmy. It is nothing but a modified clone version of helpbot.
Currently nimbuzz has four official bots:
Currently nimbuzz has four official bots:
- Astrology bot – to see how your day will be based on daily astrological predictions
- Cricket bot – to get the latest scores of your favorite Cricket team
- Twitter Bot – to tweet right from within the chat window
- Jimmy Testbot – to have funny conversations and test your mobile internet connectio
These bots enhances user experienece with Nimubzz. Cricket bot follows some commands and says shedules, scores and events of cricket matches, Twitter bot can easily update and read your twitter account.
Hope Nimbuzz will launch new bots like weather bots, News Bots, Stats Bots etc, soon.
Though we can make our private bots, I'll tell ya how to do that in my next posts. ;)