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In Flood and Out

This is a Screen Capture of this flood.

Nimbuzz is banning trix :P Now in Nimbuzz rooms you only can type 5 messages at once. If you exceed this ammount it'll show "give others to chat as well" :D ... But its possible flooding in rooms yet.

It'll enter yourself in room and flood 5 times and leave room. If you want to do it for more times just paste this code one after one!

The code is:

 <presence to='' id='console6129bacf' ><priority>1</priority></presence>
<message to='' id='consolee8af278b' type='groupchat'><body>Your Message Here</body></message>
<message to='' id='consolee8af278b' type='groupchat'><body>Your Message Here</body></message>
<message to='' id='consolee8af278b' type='groupchat'><body>Your Message Here</body></message>
<message to='' id='consolee8af278b' type='groupchat'><body>Your Message Here</body></message>
<message to='' id='consolee8af278b' type='groupchat'><body>Your Message Here</body></message>
<presence to='' id='console8b5c5e29' type='unavailable'></presence>

Note: It Doesn't make any sense flooding in room!

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