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Softwares Most Needed Softwares

What is needed to be a complete Mobile.

We always run behind the upgraded version of softwares. But sometime older versions performance is better than the new!

Say, Smart movie 4.15 and Xplore 1.34 File manager. These are the most updated version of software till date. But LCG has tricked them badly so that the proper cr@ck for these still not arrived!

If you cant buy software then u must use its cr@cked version. But without a proper cr@ck it's sux users to use it. Smart Movie 4.01 got a Cr@ack bt I think 3.41 is better than the 4.01 and than 4.15 obviously.

But Smart Movie 3.41 cant run .flv format as 4.xx versions can play. So if you want to play flv and many others format as u play in PC, u need Core Codec Player 1.3.0(Crcakd). It can play most of the video and audio formats in mobile streaming as well.

Xplore 1.22 got a bug. That is it can be cr@cked. But from it's next versions LCG solved this bug. So a proper crcak is available for only Xplore 1.22 version. If u upgrade it to 1.34 then u've to wait 3 seconds on start up and shutdown. If u already upgraded to newer versions than 1.22 u cant revert back! U must format your phone to do it possible. Or try installing 1.02/1.05 version on upgraded version and than install 1.22. It might work!

For Internet Users a Web browser is a must. There's many types of Browser for mobile. But Opera 8.65 is most advanced version of web browsers. It supports Javascript so you can download from Javascripted sites. It contains mostly all function of a PC browser. U can notice that when u browse a site it shows ur browser configuration as Mozilla 4.0 !!!

Opera Mini 4.2 is also very important for slow connection users or Limited planned users. Opera developers are trying for multy tab browser of Opera Mini. A beta version is already arrived!

Next is UCWEB 6.3. It also has more advanced versions. But I think 6.3 is better than all of them. It's a must have for hardcore downloaders in mobile.

And Nimbuzz IS the breath for your Mobile! :D

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